BYRE = cowshed

Second hand clothing stores in Chofu

Vintage&Used BYRE renovates the cowshed of Ono Ranch located in Fuda, Chofu City and operates in a spacious space.

We develop selected items centering on vintage clothing from the United States and Canada, and also handle miscellaneous goods that have been selected around the world.

Fitz your style

Second hand clothing stores in Chofu

I also hear that many old clothes are oversized and do not fit well with the Japanese body shape.

With Vintage&Used BYRE, you should be able to see your second-hand clothes with a sense of "selecting at a select shop" rather than the familiar second-hand clothes.
It's a place called Chofu, a cowshed, and because you came here, please look for new encounters in that atmosphere.


Second hand clothing stores in Chofu

To a place where people who take in various cultures gather as a big market using a large place that was originally a cowshed.

Vintage&Used BYRE will develop into a space where people can bring together their favorite things and the services they can provide, and work hard together. If you would like to start activities using this space, artists and designers, please contact us as a gallery. Please feel free to contact us.